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 1. frontier gentleman  claim jumpers 03 09 1958  www.botar.us 
 2. Dennis Humphrey  Western Wednesday Episode 40..Frontier Gentleman..Claim Jumpers  Frontier Gentleman 3/9/59 
 3. Dennis Humphrey  Western Wednesday Episode 40..Frontier Gentleman..Claim Jumpers  Frontier Gentleman 3/9/59 
 4. 15 Degrees Below Zero  The Cliff House Jumpers  Under a Morphine Sky 
 5. Snow, Mark  Smoke Jumpers - The Rescue  The Snow Files 
 6. Snow, Mark  Smoke Jumpers - The Rescue  The Snow Files 
 7. Connie Francis  1958    
 8. Mad Daddy  1958   
 9. Dion & The Belmonts  I Wonder Why (1958)   
 10. frontier gentleman  cat man 08 10 1958  www.botar.us 
 11. Bluebottle Kiss  Claim  Fear Of Girls   
 12. Crimson Circle  124 Claim Who You Are  The Tobias Materials 
 13. Crimson Circle  124 Claim Who You Are  The Tobias Materials 
 14. The Clark Sisters  Name It Claim It  Live...One Last Time  
 15. Calvin Strikes  Don't Claim Anything  Yeah! What we do has already been done, Molli. 
 16. The Clark Sisters  Name It Claim It  Live...One Last Time 
 17. Swagger Crew ft. Spur J  Claim it  www.ghanamotion.com 
 18. A Day To Remember  09 a day to remember 1958  And Their Name Was Treason 
 19. frontier gentleman  cannibal 05 11 1958  www.botar.us 
 20. frontier gentleman  honkytonkers 02 16 1958  www.botar.us 
 21. frontier gentleman  the trial 04 13 1958  www.botar.us 
 22. Alfredo De Angelis  Pavadita 1958  Most Common Tangos For Dancing 
 23. Aquatones  Crazy For You 1958   
 24. Alfredo De Angelis  Pavadita 1958  Most Common Tangos For Dancing 
 25. Griz Green  You Claim Jumpin' Bum  The West of Yesteryear 
 26. New Artist  Did Jesus Claim to be God.wav  New Title 
 27. Rock B  Claim Cali  Album 
 28. Amber Falls  State The Claim 2  EP 
 29. Gigawatt  Claim Form  North Annex Party, Feb 27, 2004 
 30. Eli 'Paperboy' Reed & The True Loves  Stake Your Claim  Roll with you  
   1 2 3    »
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